INOVYN completes investment in EDC import facility at Martorell Site

INOVYN has today announced the completion of its investment in a new EDC import facility at its Martorell Site (Spain).

The Project has secured an ongoing supply of EDC to the Site, with imports through the port of Barcelona, enabling INOVYN to maintain PVC and VCM production at current rates beyond the end of 2017.  The existing mercury chlorine cellroom will be closed complying with the terms of the Industrial Emissions Directive. 

INOVYN continues to evaluate the competitiveness of a potential cellroom conversion Project at the Site. 

Comments Filipe Constant, Business Director for INOVYN: "We are engaged in ongoing dialogue with the authorities in Spain to secure the long-term competitiveness of the operations at Martorell Site, against a backdrop of high energy costs for electro intensive companies such as INOVYN. 

“Going forward, the key decision for the Site remains whether to invest in a new membrane cellroom and this very much depends on the Site’s future economic competitiveness in terms of both energy and raw material costs.  Such an investment would be highly beneficial in securing a domestic supply of caustic soda, hydrochloric acid and sodium hypochlorite for downstream industries, which, otherwise, will become increasingly dependent upon imports.

“In the meantime, the delivery of our investment to secure a supply of EDC demonstrates our ongoing commitment to the Iberian PVC market.” 


For editors:

Formed on 1 July 2015, INOVYN is a vinyls producer that ranks among the top three worldwide.  With an annual turnover in excess of €3.5 billion, INOVYN has more than 4,300 employees and manufacturing, sales and marketing operations in ten countries across Europe.

INOVYN’s portfolio consists of an extensive range of class leading products arranged across General Purpose Vinyls, Specialty Vinyls, Organic Chlorine Derivatives and Chlor Alkali.  Annual production volumes are in excess of 40 million tonnes.