Allmänna Villkor/Terms and Conditions

Alla våra ordrar eller avtal efter 2010-10-01 baseras på ”Allmänna villkor” som du finner nedan. Om dessa villkor eller avtalet översätts till annat språk än engelska ska den engelska texten äga tolkningsföreträde.


All of Inovyn Purchase Orders or Agreements/Contracts signed after 2010-10-01 are governed by the provisions of the "Terms and Conditions", that can be found here below. If this document or the Purchase Order or the Agreement/Contract is to be translated to other language than English, then the English version of the commercial "Terms and Conditions" shall prevail over the translated text.


Ladda ner dokument - download here:

Terms and Conditions of Purchase - English

Terms and Conditions of Purchase - Svenska

Supplier Code of conduct  - English

Supplier Code of conduct  - Svenska